Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Small Village - Rongbuk Monastery

We decided to get an early start and so we can get to Rongbuk Monastery before the afternoon clouds cover Everest. But before we can think about seeing the majestic Everest, we have to deal with riding 50km on the damn bumpy dirt road. Yep, the road sucked, my arse hurt, and my legs felt like jelly after the ride. Thankfully, Mat and I had some company - several Chinese cyclists (riding from Shanghai!) were also on the road with us and we played "hare vs tortoise" with them. We'd passed them and then stop for a break, then they would pass us, and so on...they were the slow & steady tortoise and we were the jackrabbit. After being on the road for 8 hours, we final reached Rongbuk Monastery (and we beat the Chinese cyclists)!
What an exhausting day...maybe harder than climbing 5000+ meter pass or riding 100+km, but our prize was the view of Everest. The mountain peak was hidden behind clouds when we arrived, but after we had our tea & biscuits, the clouds moved out and there it was - Everest in full glory! Pictures can't do justice of Everest's grand size or its spectacular view. Tomorrow is ride to the Base Camp...I can't wait!

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