Sunday, June 19, 2011

Shigatse - Lhatse

Today, we need to ride almost 100km with a 'small' pass. Majority of the day was just long and boring. We rode alongside farms and mountains, passed plenty of farmers on trackers, children running out to greet us, and sheep grazing on the steppe. Basically the same ride as Gyantse to Shigatse.

Now I thought we were going to stop and camp just before the Tso La pass (around 100km), but we had a miscommunication with our guide and would end up in Lhatse. Lhatse is additional 45km from where we're suppose to camp, which is after the Tso La. I called it quits after 100km and got in the support car, Mat wanted to continue and go over the 'small' pass, not realizing the pass was Tso La. We picked him up at 122km (he had gone up and down Tso La) and drove straight to Lhatse. The miscommunication turned out to be good thing as we just saved a day (original schedule had us at Lhatse on June 20)!

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