Monday, June 13, 2011

Lhasa to Chutsu

My epic journey begins today...first day of biking towards Mt Everest Base Camp! Today is a 75km flat ride from Lhasa to Chutsu where we'll camp overnight. As Mat and I ride out of Shanbala Hotel and onto Beijing Road, I'm excited and scared (shitless) about the thought of riding 800 kilometers, climbing 5 mountain passes over 5,000 meters in elevation, and dealing with altitude sickness - can I really do this? However, as I pass the Potala Palace, my fears turn to jubilation and I'm ready to take on this challenge!

The first 20km is basically riding on the shoulder of a busy road (highway), leading out of Lhasa and towards the, buses and trucks honking and blowing toxic fumes as they drive by (ah, China at its best). The roads become quieter once we pass the airport and into rural areas, but those damn trucks with toxic fumes continue to follow us. At times, it's so bad that I had to cover my nose & mouth with my bandana (I now understand why the Chinese wear those masks). The nasty thought of my lungs turning black changes to excitement as we ride along rice fields with incredible mountain peaks far away (soon we'll be climbing those mountains!).

At half way point, we stopped for lunch along a roadside restaurant (if you can call it a restaurant), where I had my first taste of Yak Butter Tea! What I thought was Butter Tea was actually 'Milk Tea' - makes now. It definitely has an "interesting" taste...let's just say it tasted very salty. After a bowl of noodles and a can of Coke, we're off again. The country becomes more beautiful every kilometer and the anticipation of seeing the himalayas is just over-whelming. My first view of mountain peaks with snow! Wait...why am I excited about that? Does this mean it'll be snowing when I'm going over these peaks? Now my anticipation is not so positive...ugh.

15 more kilometers to camp, and the wind starts to pick up and the sky turns dark (very dark) and my legs feel like rain. However, the rain drops are a welcome as it's been a long hot day of riding, but I could definitely do without the wind. I'm starting to crack as the wind continues to get stronger, thankfully Mat was willing to stay with me and pace me to the campsite. Frack, looks like a climb coming up! Oh wait, I hear Tsereng calling our names...yeah, our first day is done!

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