Friday, June 10, 2011

Lhasa - Day 1: Butter Tea, Anyone?

Today, we're scheduled to meet our guide, Tsereng, in the morning at our hotel and spend the day visiting monasteries and get acclimated to the altitude. Drepung Monastery, one of the six largest monasteries of the Gelupa Sect, is our first stop in visiting monasteries and temples in Lhasa. Today, about 600 monks reside in the Monastery, but had reached over 10,000 monks prior to the Chinese Liberation. Drepung was built in 1416 by Jamyang Choje, a monk and disciple of Tsong-Khapa. In 1530, the second Dalai Lama established Ganden Palace, a palace that was home to the Dalai Lama until the fifth Dalai Lama built the Potala Palace.

After visiting Drepung Monastery, I have my first taste of "Yak Butter Tea" doesn't taste as bad as everyone claims. It's sort of sweet and tastes like a milk tea with hint of coffee flavor.

Mat and I had the afternoon off to wonder around Lhasa, mostly in the Old Town area, and find cool alleyways to explore...of course, we ended up at Spinn Cafe, owned by couple of guys who love to bike.

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