Monday, July 25, 2011

Back to the Hospital

Tai is now sick, she's having chills and convolution-like symptoms. We're at another hospital in a remote town, where the doctor told her that she'll be ok. But she's still having chills and feeling ill. We decided to stay in town while Tai tried to reach her medical insurance provider and seek additional consultation from a doctor or nurse. Unfortunately, we needed to keep driving to get to the next ger camp for us to stay on back in the van with Tai in the passenger seat and still sick.

The next few days were long and boring drives without any interesting places to see...basically, long stretches of grassland to semi-arid land. The only interesting view to note was the sand dunes at the edge of the western part of the Gobi, sort of fitting as we headed away from the hot dry climate and to cold wet climate.

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