Thursday, July 28, 2011

Turkish and Bath...but not Turkish Bath

Today was a short day of driving to Olgii in the western part of Mongolia. On our way to town, we stopped to see the eagle-hunters and their eagles (actually they were on the side of the road). It seemed like a touristy thing, so I didn't bother to take any photos since we'll probably see more eagle-hunters up in the Altai Mountains. (note: we did not run into any eagle-hunters out west)

In Olgii, we needed to pick up our passports here since we'll need them to enter the Altai Tavan Bogd National Park (Tom, Verity and my passports were in UB since the needed to extend their visa and I needed to register my stay in Mongolia if I'm here for more than 30). While Hogy was working on the passport logistics, we headed over to an Internet cafe for much needed catch up on our emails (frack, no job offers!).

Emma suggested a Turkish restaurant she read about in the Lonely Planet guidebook, she also found a bathhouse (sadly not Turkish) in town - SHOWER! A hot shower for 1,000 Tugriks...who can say no to that! At the bathhouse, they also had a barber shop - for 2,000 Tugriks (that's less than $2)!

Oh the Turkish restaurant (Pamukkale) didn't really serve Turkish food - they just had few mutton kebabs on the menu and the rest was mostly Mongolian - not even hummus!

Location:Olgii, Mongolia

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