Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mongolian Golf

After a chilly overnight in the not-so-warm tents and sleeping bags, we headed back to our ger camp where we had stayed the previous night. What started out as a relaxed ride became tense when Erica's horse threw her off as she tried to stop. This was her second fall (her horse threw her off yesterday when she tried to grab the lasso that had fallen to the ground and the horse became skittish and started to run). We were all concerned as her foot got caught in the stirrup and was dragged for few meters. Luckily she was fine (and her camera too) with just a bruised ankle and couple of scratches/cuts. Erica got right 'back on the horse' (ok a different horse).

After the incident, we were a little more cautious with our horses. We later learned that the horses are set to roam wild during winter months and re-caught in springtime for riding...which meant we were riding on wild horses!

The afternoon became a lazy day of doing nothing...and since there wasn't a TV in our ger, I just went outside to watch couple of Mongolians play golf. They were definitely not ready to take on Tiger Woods, but I had a blast watching them play!

Location:Khovsgol Nuur, Mongolia

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